Mtomeni safari camp

This bushveld gem is perched on the banks of the Great Letaba River, inside the provincial reserve of Letaba Ranch, Greater Kruger National Park. Named after the Jackleberry trees that shade the safari tents, this is the perfect place to sit and watch the game accessing the water below the camp and there are often elephants in the river just below the camp. Offering fully catered and self-catering safari accommodation options in comfortable safari tents, Mtomeni provides an affordable and unique experience as the only safari lodge in Letaba Ranch.  Unfenced from Kruger National Park, Letaba Ranch is well known for its large herds of elephant and buffalo, as well as giraffe sightings. The reserve is also a hotspot for African Wild Dog sightings. An evening game drive and a fascinating morning walk with an experienced guide are a great way to connect with the wilderness environment.  Mtomeni is a Big-5 experience without all the frills and formality of the high-end Safari Lodges.

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