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See things differently – cycle with wildlife - Love Limpopo South Africa

See things differently – cycle with wildlife

Cycling through natural wilderness areas and Big-5 Reserves, give you a whole new experience of wild encounters.  There is nothing quite like seeing animals at close quarters rather than from the protected remoteness of the back of a game-drive vehicle.  As you stop at a real-life ‘zebra-crossing’, you can hear the soft grunting from the impala herd and the chirruping of monkeys as they peer down from their perch in the spreading Fig trees on the edge of the river-bed.  The smells and sounds are so much sharper and your senses come alive as you take your time and pick your own pace.

Single-track trails wind you through the plains and up rocky outcrops where baboons bark from their cliff-side perches.  From here, you can see forever and, as the eagle takes to flight, your heart soars with it into the blue horizon.  Being able to move through so many habitats at a faster pace than on foot, gives you the advantage of speed and connection to the wild areas you are cycling through.  See things differently from your saddle – ride wild in the African bush!

Take a ride on the wild side at Lindani Lodges or Unembeza Boutique Lodge

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